More than 12 years ago, NathansNews was up and running !

I had the site created in order to keep you informed (more than just a once a month email that I would send…I still do that too, by the way) and seeing as you know I’m cheap , I didn’t get too many bells and whistles on it; but back then, it was pretty high-tech for me and I have enjoyed regularly posting updates about the State House and our community on the site.

( about a run-on sentence! Sorry, Mom!)

I write all the content (again, too cheap to pay for someone to do that) and I hope you’ve enjoyed not only the political side of the site, but the occassional (or often) posts about family, kids, sports and the dogs! I’ve always been about People, Not Politics and that’s why I offer this site to y’all.

As much as I hate to spend money , I’ve been told 12 years is more than enough time to keep the same format. It’s time for change.

So…..with that said, look for a new website in the coming weeks! Hopefully it won’t receive hundreds of spam comments each week so that I can be sure to find yours.

As always, please share with me any community news you’d like me to post. Especially if you have a neighbor you’d like to brag about and share with everyone!

Before the old site shuts down, I went back to see how many posts I had written through the years. Turns out 1,124 since July 2007…an average of roughly 2 post a week, every week, for more than 12 years. Maybe some of it is the part of me from my highschool days working on our yearbook? Mostly, it’s because I’ve always believed that elected officials who stay in touch often – not just during a campaign – are better able to serve their constituents!

Hopefully the new site won’t cost to much and will still be hosted (is that the word?) here at the same address. I’ll definitely get the word out to you on my regular COMMUNITY UPDATE emails that I’ve been sending since 2005 (pre-website). If you still have not added your name to that distribution, please email me at and I’ll add you to February’s email which will go out in the next two weeks!

Thanks for continuing to read and to stay informed and share your opinions and advice!